Monarch Order
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My Whispering Eye

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My Whispering Eye Empty My Whispering Eye

Post  My Whispering Eye Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:48 pm

I am the newest member to the alliance. I have been playing CN for a while and was planning to leave the game when Queen Krupps PM'ed me. I went rogue on an alliance that some of my friends in the past had an issue with. They zi'ed me and that is why I am so small, but have a ton of wonders. I am very familiar with the mechanics of the game and how to play.

In real life I work in Government and I live in Richmond Virginia. My fiance will join the alliance when his current alliance gets peace from war. We typically have been in the same alliance while we both have been playing CN.

As for my activity. I can only access the game typically Mon-Thursday. I don't have internet at home. I know, I must be the only person in America who doesn't have internet at home. So I only play while at work. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I will be coming out of Peace Mode on Monday. I am selling tech for anyone who is interested in buying. Thanks.


My Whispering Eye

Posts : 2
Join date : 2012-07-10

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